
Sophie Wang
3013 Mechanical Engineering Lab,
105 S Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL, 61801
Tel: (217)265-9232
Email: wangxf@illinois.edu

Research Overview

Our research focuses on energy transport,  multiphase flow and phase-change phenomena. We study the fundamentals of  phase change and fluid flow of different working fluids in a wide range of applications. To be specific, our work includes :1) dynamics of interfacial  behavior (liquid-liquid, liquid-vapor, solid-vapor, liquid-solid-vapor); 2) mechanism of energy transport through interfaces at different scales; 3) convective heat transfer and techniques for  enhancement .

Our research includes both system-level work and component-level understanding of different energy applications. With  support from  an interdisciplinary approach,  including thermal and fluid dynamics, detection and diagnosis, chemistry, manufacture technique, we hope our research will lead us to an energy, water and environmental sustainable future.

We are looking for highly motivated graduate and undergraduate students to join our group, if you are interested in our research, please contact me.

Latest News

Aug. 15, 2021

Welcome Mohammad Arafat, Amr, Jiong and Aditi joining our group!